Tue 11th, March 2025
Spinning Nepal's Tragedy
An obituary for Edward Said.
Reading Strauss scepticly
Comments On the Einstein Freud letters
Einstein and Freud
Part Two - Freud's reply
Afghanistan: Abuses by U.S. Forces
The Hutton Report (excluding appendices –1.9Mb)
The 'New Anti-Semitism'
Tht full unpublished EU report on anti-semitism (1.11 MB)
The CIA in Iran
An Interesting Day: President Bush's Movements and Actions on 9/11
Jews against the occupation
Behind the Invasion of Iraq - Research Unit for Political Economy
The Iraq Crisis: Building the case for a new war.
The Geneva Convention
United Nations Charter
Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein: The U.S. Tilts toward Iraq, 1980-1984
George W Bush - Address to the United Nations- September 2002
George W Bush - National Press Conference - March 2003
US National Security Document - 2003
George W Bush - State of the Union Adress 2003
John Howard - Address to Australian Parliament on Iraq - 2003
George W Bush - Address to the Nation - 17.03.2003
John Howard - Statement to Parliament - 18.03.2003
Tony Blair - Address to House of Commons - 18.03.2003
Colin Powell - Address to AIPAC - 31.03.2003
Tony Blair - Address to the Labour Party Conference - 30.09.2003
George W Bush - Address to the Nation -08.09.2003
George W Bush - Address to the United Nations- 23.09.2003
George W Bush - State of the Union Adress 2004
George W Bush - Address to the Nation - 13.04.2004
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