1610 - Galileo Galilei discovers Callisto, 4th satellite of Jupiter
1794 - Congress changes US flag to 15 stars & 15 stripes
1888 - National Geographic Society founded (Washington DC)
1915 - Churchill presents plan for assault on Dardanelles
1930 - "Mickey Mouse" comic strip 1st appears
1942 - German U-boats begin harassing shipping on US east coast
1943 - Hitler declares "Total War"
1943 - Russian offensive at Don under General Golikov
1954 - Military rule in Egypt; 318 Muslim Brotherhood arrested
1968 - Beginning of Tet-offensive in Vietnam
1989 - Ruins of Mashkan-shapir (occupied 2050-1720 BC) found in Iraq
1991 - UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar meets with Saddam Hussein in Baghdad
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